Phone: 022 024 5311
Email: dance@tangolessons.co.nz
Tango Lessons Teachers:
Elke Schafer and Stephen White
Tango Lessons Wellington provides an enjoyable learning experience in Tango Salon, encompassing Milonguero Style - Close Embrace, v-embrace and open embrace - Tango salon.
Our teachers are focused on an enjoyable experience in learning tango and applying that knowledge to the dance floor in social dancing - the Milonga.
Our Tango Teachers regularly dance socially and take workshops with International Tango Teachers.
Our Advanced tango courses are collaborations with the International Teachers and are workshops and/or private lesson based.
Our teaching programmes in tango are coupled with a strong teaching background, we have established a Tango Syllabus for Beginners - TF1 and TF2.
The successful course has been further developed into:
Tango Improvers Syllabus - T1 and T2
Tango Intermediate Syllabus - T3
Specifically a Social Dance course has been developed overlapping aspects of T1, T2 and T3 for the:
"In the Line of Dance Tango Syllabus - L1" introduced in 2014 as a Saturday lesson before the Tango Tea Dances.
Lessons are structured around a core syllabus for absolute beginners, refreshers courses and improvers/intermediate level, with some advanced sequences.

Tango Workshop - New Plymouth - 29 November 2014 - West End Scout Den 11 Bonithon Ave 11am start:
Davina Moffat and Stephen White teachers:
"In the Line of Dance" Navigation, lead/follow, linking steps into a cohesive dance, musicality and timing.
In association with Tango Salsa Taranaki and Tango Lessons Wellington.
Tango Lessons encourages our students to take workshops from visiting Tango Teachers, and to attend the Wellington Tango Weekend Festivals.
We will announce our visiting teacher workshops through the year!!!!!
Tango Lessons encourages our students to take workshops from visiting Tango Teachers, and to attend the Wellington and Auckland Tango Weekend Festivals.
Recently Mira Barakat provided a Technique Class June 2013 in Wellington.
Alberto and Natalia Cortez taught workshops in Chacarera, Milonga, Tango Salon and Milonguero Style during the Tango Weekend Festival , October 2013 in Wellington.
Alex White from Tango Dance School Wellington taught during the Tango Weekend Festival, October 2013 in Wellington.