Phone: 022 024 5311
Email: dance@tangolessons.co.nz
Course Details and Prices
Course and class fees are described below:
Beginners TF1 and TF2, 2 Tango Foundation courses for the absolute beginner, start dates fit into our Tango Festival programme, so that you can learn and be ready for each Festival!
Tango T1 and T2 [we recommend that TF1 and TF2 are completed before starting these courses]
During the year visiting Tango Teachers are invited to teach our students, and these classes are a separate price from our regular courses.
Beginners Courses
These Beginners Tango Foundation courses [TF1 and TF2] are especially structured to provide a background to the foundation principles to dance tango, incorporating the Tango Lessons Syllabus.
You will be taught the foundation elements of posture, balance, your vertical and horizontal axis, and how to lead/follow in the dance. Steps, movements and how to combine these into a tango dance are introduced during both of these 6 week courses. We recommend both, and they are a pre-requisite to taking the following courses T1 and T2.

Beginners TF1 and TF2
6 week courses
(Wednesdays from 8.00pm)
Toi Poneke Dance Studio
63 Abel Smith Street Wellington
$90 per course/per person - prepay
$150 per course/dance couple - prepay
Prepay before or at start of course only.
Tango Course Details and Prices
The T1, T2 and T3 courses follow on from our 2 Tango Foundation courses and add to and build on the Beginners Syllabus.
These Tango Courses expand your dance knowledge and your experience of Tango, you will learn more about linking, combining and improvising your dance steps into a series of movements. During classes we will also learn to dance in small spaces and practice dance etiquette, and dance floor rules.
There will be some rotation during these classes to emphasis the lead/follow techniques.
Tango music, and connection to the instruments, the notes and the spaces between notes will be encouraged during these classes.

Tango T1/T2
6 week course (Mondays from7.00pm)
This class explores Tango salon, Milonga, Vals and Tango Nuevo styles.
Toi Poneke Dance Studio
63 Abel Smith Street Wellington
$15 per class/per person - casual rate
$150 per course/dance couple - prepay
$90 per course/ single person - prepay
Prepay before or at start of course only.
Social Dances: Details and Prices
Tango Social Dances - "Milongas" are a great opportunity to dance what you have learnt and to meet other students and dancers. There is a variety of music, from classic Golden Age of Tango through to modern tango of the 60's and into the digital age of musical expression.
The Friday TANGO LOUNGE milonga, is a 2.5 hour evening dance 8.30pm to 11pm, and is ideal for beginners and students of tango, the Irish Club Dance Hall at 10 Fifeshire Avenue, provides great atmosphere, coffee, tea, water provided.
See Events page for dates.
Milonga - Fridays
$15 single entry/per person
[Festival Milongas and International Tango Milongas excluded]
Terms and conditions:
All purchases for courses/milongas and tea dances either used in full or part expire 31 December 2024.
The last date for starting courses is 28 October.
All purchases are non-refundable, no cash back, and can not be exchanged for other offers, the purchases can be given as gifts. Tango Lessons reserves the right to alter, cancel or change the location and venues for the courses, tea dances and milongas. Please make an email enquiry to book courses or to confirm dates/venues and locations.
Copyright and Intellectual Property of Tango Lessons all rights reserved 2013