Phone: 022 024 5311
Email: dance@tangolessons.co.nz

Tango Dance Syllabus
During classes in the T1/T2/T3 syllabus some rotations occur to emphasise the leader/follower techniques.

You will discover how balance, weight changes [left and right foot], walking, the embrace and leading/following are essential elements to dancing tango.
Builds on elements of TF1 with Variations and includes parallel/cross systems of tango, becoming familiar with dancing in small spaces, navigation and linking the steps together to form your own dancing/style.
These 6 week courses are for those who have completed the Beginners Syllabus Tango Foundation courses TF1 and TF2.

Circular movements, pivots, variations to all movements, entry and exit of movements.

Giros, ocho cortadas and a few other really interesting movements, building on elements of T1.

Rebotes, embrace, change of direction, variations and building on elements of T1 and T2.
We offer:
- Group lessons
- Private lessons
Tango Lessons Wellington supports our dancers in an established tango scene and tango social dances [milonga’s] and tango practice [practica’s] are available most weeks of the year.
We do not rotate our dance partners or couples that attend lessons. We feel that in addition to learning to dance it is also a night out for couples to learn to dance together. With dance socials [milongas] available we find that the dance students get to meet others and will dance with others.

Reproduced with the kind permission of Bernhard Gehberger, please go to his website www.Tango-DJ.at for great tango information.
Copyright and Intellectual Property of Tango Lessons all rights reserved 2013